senior programs
Play the fastest-growing sport in the U.S. today! Pickelball is a 4-person racquet game that is a combination of tennis, racquetball, and badminton.
Pick-up games start about 9 or 9:30 most M/W/F in the gym. There is no charge for members, and non-members just pay the daily admission fee. Beginners are always welcome!
Senior Series Lunch and Learn
Sponsored by MinnStar Bank, Consolidated Communications, and Mayo Clinic Health System, and individual event sponsors, these monthly events typically feature and activity, a free-will offering luncheon, and an educational speaker.
SAIL-Stay Active & Independent For Life
This FREE class focuses on strength-building and range of motion activities to increase balance, reduce falls, and increase bone density. Aerobics classes for older adults – See the Health and Fitness area for descriptions of all classes. Instructors can make modifications for any class, but check the list for all the options available.
Water Aerobics
A great alternative to weight bearing exercises. If you have joint pain, injuries or just need a change of venue the water is the answer. Different classes utilize all areas of the pool area, from zero depth to the 4 foot area to the 8 foot area. Intensities can always be increased or decreased and modifications are always available. Enjoy a great way to increase your strength, flexibility and endurance. Click here for more details.